
Where were you when you found out you had cancer?

 I was at Lowes.  Walking to the checkout counter with a soft, fluffy rug I had found for the laundry room.  Rug in hand, my phone vibrated, I looked at the caller ID, and knew right then everything was going to change.     The call wasn’t unexpected. I’d been waiting for it for the last 72 hours. Well, really since June 24th when I was told I had a concerning mass on my left breast and needed an ultrasound.  “Hi Courtney. It’s Barb from Vanderbilt.  Is this a good time to talk?”   Well, I’m in the middle of Lowes, Barb… “Do you want to call me back?” No, no I really don’t Barb.  Instead I want to wake up and this all be a bad dream   We hang up. I promise to call her in five minutes after I find my boyfriend. In a panic I start running the store. He’s no where to be seen. I’m just about to have him paged and he appears. Which was sort of a bummer cause it would have been funny to have them call his name over the loudspeaker.  He and I drop our stuff and run to the car. We call my mom